The Pink Lady Gin 750ML

Introducing The Pink Lady Gin, a delightful spirit that brings a refreshing twist to your gin collection. Crafted by Cape To Rio, this 750ML bottle is a tribute to the vibrant spirit of Cape Town, capturing its essence in every sip. The Pink Lady Gin is beautifully balanced, featuring a unique blend of botanicals that create a flavor profile both fruity and floral, making it perfect for sipping or... more details
Key Features:
  • 750ML bottle
  • unique blend of botanicals
  • fruity and floral flavor profile

R249.99 at 5 Shops

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Brand Cape
Manufacturer CAPE TOWN
Model Number 5DAEEB4C5C92EE5DE7035ED4263D30C2
Introducing The Pink Lady Gin, a delightful spirit that brings a refreshing twist to your gin collection. Crafted by Cape To Rio, this 750ML bottle is a tribute to the vibrant spirit of Cape Town, capturing its essence in every sip. The Pink Lady Gin is beautifully balanced, featuring a unique blend of botanicals that create a flavor profile both fruity and floral, making it perfect for sipping or mixing in your favorite cocktails. Its stunning pink hue is visually appealing, making it an excellent choice for gatherings and celebrations. Whether you’re an experienced gin enthusiast or just starting out, The Pink Lady Gin is sure to impress with its quality and taste. Perfect for enjoying on a sunny day, while socializing with friends, or as a gift for the gin lover in your life. Elevate your drinking experience with The Pink Lady Gin and let the vibrant flavors transport you to the picturesque shores of Cape Town. Don’t miss out on this delightful spirit—cheers to making unforgettable memories!

Cape Town The Pink Lady Gin 750ml
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